Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Guillermo Del Toro is Coming Out with a Christmas Movie!

I love Del Toro, because I secretly believe in ghosts. And because, let's face it, Hellboy is an awesome movie. Maybe we should even go so far as to call it a film.

Pardon my pun, but I am way behind on my Del To(u)rism, and finally watched "The Devil's Backbone" last night. [Spoiler warning]. Ok, worst case scenario for an adult murderer: not only is your victim avenged by a group of boys about half your age, but, as you are thrown into the same pool in which you drowned said victim, you are embraced by his ghost, knowing that you will spend an eternity in the same confines that hid your most vile sin. This is way messed up, but everything I have seen by Del Toro is so brilliant.

That's why I am worried about The Orpanage. Seriously, watch that trailer and tell me it's not a little too similar to everything else he's done. I realize that a beautiful and sad story of regret or wrong-doings will be unveiled, I already know that the child will experience some coming-of-age moment through his bravery (in other trailers it is evident she has a son). I know that the ending will be sad, but will not leave me feeling unfulfilled, and that through some ironic twist, it will almost seem to be a happy ending.

If I am wrong, I am sorry. If I am right, I probably still won't be sorry. Because it will still be a ghost story, and these are so rare these days, unless they are totally pointed at the teenaged "Scream" audience.

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